Monday, August 26, 2013

Why the NSA Scandal is Actually A Hoax...

Please note the statement by Senator Frank Church in 1975.

Yes. 1975.  The capability was "perfected" in 1975.  He even cautioned using that capability against Americans.

So, how then is the NSA capability to "intercept communications" new in 2013?

How is it that it is a spectacular and devastating revelation that this surveillance capability is not only being carried out, but "exposed" by a whistle-blower?

Was it because it was not common knowledge?  Was it because people forgot what Frank Church said in 1975?

It is correct to suspect that you have been duped into believing that a program is TOP SECRET, and that it was then LEAKED, and that now a WHISTLEBLOWER is being pursued and has to get ASYLUM in a foreign country.  The argument pro and con, is that the perpetrator is either a hero or a traitor.

How is it that a program that was openly spoken about and known about in 1975, now in 2013 a Top Secret program that is being REVEALED, and is touted as exposing classified information to the tune of endangering our national security?

One can justify or try to make sense of this anomaly by asserting that computers and modern technology developments increase the impact of such capabilities, but that still does not negate that these programs have been known about openly since 1975.

In this light, since the "scandal" is exposed as a farce, what, then, is really going on?

Your guess is as good as mine.

But an informed calculation is possibly that one (or several) of Comrade Vlad Putin's KGB / G.R.U. (soviet military intelligence) moles has been outed, and a ruse was necessary to get him back to Mother Russia, safe and sound for debriefing.

Consider the perp's "history."  HERE...

Consider then, the U.S. President's "Leanings," and this scenario becomes all too plausible, even to the point of the ruse being facilitated by "both sides" to ensure that appearances are kept up.

Those "appearances," for the uninitiated, are the fragile facades that must be held in place to continue that pretense that you have, at least, a semblance of a Constitutional Republic, and not a "police state," so that a Production Class of serfs can be counted on for tribute to be paid to a Criminal Class of "Managers" that have not a clue, nor care about how to manage the societies they pretend to govern.

Vanguard of Freedom

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